less funny than game you posted currently. I CLICKED all the way to the end.
less funny than game you posted currently. I CLICKED all the way to the end.
click click click
not 5 for stating Windows is trash u freakin Apple user.
(true is that the game is allright but a bit short and has no real losing - you could at least consider making tougher puzzle in it.)
i never said windows is trash its just a reference to another game im making (also i might make a sequel but not yet lol)
Cool game, Unity sucks though. Why? Because performance issues. If you want more people enjoy your game, switch engine. I try to play at like 5 fps and it looks nice. I myself stick to libGDX, but it might be too confusing for you and you could get mad at Java coding. You can always try Godot as it is slightly more optimised.
sug me dik
Game has following problems:
-after game over you can still play
-you can shoot asteroids which are out of screen
-no cooldown on shooting
-there should be some kind of wall, not reappearing on middle of screen when out of it.
Other than that, very nice game.
EDIT: looks like your game has new issue: i cannot restart the game now, I click reset and I briefly see my ship then again reset button. But I'm glad you adressed the issue with going out of bounds, this looked meh.
I updated the game
I fixed the restart issue, test it
are you sure "Apple-Core" level is beatable? Also, manually skipping the level ruins fun. You should add skipping limit. Pressing > just to see "you win" is hilarious.
Yep! It is beatable, though maybe a bit too tricky that early in the game. Send me a PM if you want to see the solution :) As for the skipping levels, I just wanted anyone to be able to see the entire game even if they didn't want to do very many puzzles xD
Great stub of a game, will increase score when some problems like "double jump which does not always work" is fixed. It is obvious for me when someone puts heart to the project. At least I think so.
Thank you! And you're absolutely right, we are pouring our hearts into making this game! The game uses a lingering jump mechanic, you can jump in the air only if you haven't jumped before being in the air. So if you let yourself fall off edges or use ground bubbles you can always jump in the air :)
you shouldnt make game like that. game should have goal. and falling pit at the end seems like bad idea as well. Initially i was going to give 5 but realised this game is purposeless. It has no win condition..
the hidden goal is to collect all the treasure.
Mary Xmas. XDD
It is obvious that someone who did this was around 12 yo. But srsly it is "Town with no Name" of our times. It was as charming as YT Poops long time ago. Fyi I never used Scratch and I do not plan to. I write my games in Java.
Bruh your so right LOL
Great! Good idea, also a plus for using GDevelop, which is rather limited tool. I have nothing to say except that it is probably the best game under judgement rn.
EDIT: ok, small thing: sometimes you dont get extra points/parcels when you actually hit door.
NG needs more games like this...
WOW! Thank you very much! yes, I noticed that the door was not reading all the collisions due to the parcel rotating. I went ahead and fixed that by eliminating the rotation. It looks less dynamic, but it is much more reliable. Dude, I love GDevelop due to its limitations haha, it really forces you to get creative. I also streamlined the Rules, many people started the game without reading them and telling me it was confusing lol so now it pops up when the game starts and is much more concise. so this is now v1.2
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